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    2003.9-2007.7   中国农业大学,应用气象系

    2007.9-2008.7   中国科学院研究生院

    2008.7-2012.7   中国科学院大气物理研究所

    2009.11-2010.7  香港城市大学,能源与环境学院,研究助理

    2013.7-2013.9  香港城市大学,能源与环境学院,研究助理



4. 最新科研成果





5. 代表性论文论著


  • Xia Jiangjiang, Tu Kai, Yan Zhongwei, Qiyajie. 2015: The super-heatwave in eastern China during July–August 2013: a perspective of climate change. International Journal of Climatology.  Doi: ,10.1002/joc.4424
  • Xia Jiangjiang, Yan Zhongwei, Zhou Wen, et al. 2015: Projection of the Pearl River Delta's potential submerged area due to sea level rise during the 21st century based on CMIP5 simulations. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 34(9):7884
  • Xia Jiangjiang, Yan Zhongwei, Jia Gensuo, Zeng Heqing, Philip Douglas Jones, Zhou Wen, and Zhang Anzhi. 2015: Projections of the Advance in the start of the growing season during the 21st century based on CMIP5 Simulations. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 32: 831-838.
  • Xia Jiangjiang, Yan Zhongwei 2014: Changes in the Local Growing Season in eastern China during 1909-2012. SOLA, 2014, 10, 163-166, doi: 10.2151/sola.2014-034.
  • Xia Jiangjiang, Yan Zhongwei, Jia Gensuo, et al. 2014: Projections of the Advance in the Start of the Growing Season During the 21st Century Based on CMIP5 Simulations. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s00376-014-4125-0
  • Yan Zhongwei, Li Zhen, Xia Jiangjiang. 2014: Homogenization of climate series: the basis for assessing climate changes. Science in China, 57, 2891-2900. doi: 10.1007/s11430-014-4945-x严中伟、李珍、夏江江 2014:气候序列的均一化 - 定量评估气候变化的基础。中国科学:地球科学, 44 (10): 2101-2111
  • 夏江江,杨庆,郑子彦, 赵天保,严中伟,马柱国. 2014: 土地利用变化对20世纪中国地区气候干湿变化的影响. 气候与环境研究,doi:  10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2014.14007
  • Xia Jiangjiang, Yan Zhongwei, Wu Peili. 2012: Multidecadal variability in local growing season during 1901-2009. Climate Dynamics. doi: 10.1007/s00382-012-1438-5
  • Yan Zhongwei, Xia Jiangjiang, Qian Cheng, Zhou Wen. 2011: Changes in Seasonal Cycle and Extremes in China during the Period 1960-2008. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 28(2), 269-283.
  • 夏江江,严中伟,周家斌,2011:“三伏”的气候学定义和区划。气候与环境研究,161,31-38.
  • Xia Jiangjiang, Yan Zhongwei, Zhou Wen. 2011: Changes in Seasonality in China under Enhanced Atmospheric CO2 Concentration. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 2011, 4(1),12-17
  • Han Jiarui, Ye Qian, Yan Zhongwei, Jiao Meiyan, Xia Jiangjiang. 2010: Conceptual study on incorporating user information into forecasting systems. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering in China. Doi:10.1007/s11783-010-0246-6





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