1. Xia Jiangjiang*, Li Haochen, Kang Yanyan, Yu Chen, Ji Lei, Wu Lue, Lou Xiao, Zhu Guangxiang, Wang
Zaiwen, Yan Zhongwei YAN, Wang Lizhi, Zhu Jiang, Zhang Pingwen, Ji Chongping, Chen Min, Zhang
Yingxin, Gao Lihao, and Han Jiarui, 2020: Machine-learning-based weather support for 2022 Winter Olympics.
Advances in Atmospheric Physics, http://www.iapjournals.ac.cn/aas/en/article/doi/10.1007/s00376-020-0043-5.
2. Wang Jun, Chen Yang, Simon F B Tett, Yan Zhongwei, Zhai Panmao, Feng Jinming, Xia Jiangjiang, 2020:
Anthropogenically-driven increase in risks of summertime compound hot extremes. Nature Communications.
He Xiaodong, Wang Jun, Feng Jinming, Yan Zhongwei, Miao Shiguang, ZHang Yizhou, and Xia Jiangjiang,
2020: Observational and modeling study of interactions between urban heat island and heatwave in Beijing,
Journal of Cleaner Production. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119169
3. Yu Chen, Li Haochen, Xia Jiangjiang, Wen Hanqiuzi, and Zhang Pingwen, 2020: A data-driven random
subfeature ensemble learning algorithm for weather forecasting. Communications in Computational Physics.
(in press)
4. Zheng Dexiang, Zhang Heng, Yuan Yuze, Deng Zhong, Wang Ku, Lin Geng, Chen Yi, Xia Jiangjiang, and
Jin Shaofei, 2020: Naural disasters and their impacts on the silica losses from agriculture in China from 1988
to 2016. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. Accepted
5. Li Haochen, Yu Chen, Xia Jiangjiang, Wang Yingchun, Zhu Jiang, Zhang Pingwen, 2019: A Model Output
Machine Learning Method for Grid Temperature Forecasts in the Beijing Area, Advances in Atmospheric
Sciences, 36(10): 1156-1170. http://www.iapjournals.ac.cn/aas/en/article/doi/10.1007/s00376-019-9023-z
6. Tong Xuan, Yan Zhongwei, Xia Jiangjiang, Lou Xiao, 2019: Decisive Atmospheric Circulation Indices for
July–August Precipitation in North China Based on Tree Models, Journal of Hydrometeorology,
7. Gao Lihao, Wei Fengying, Yan Zhongwei, Ma Jin and Xia jiangjiang, 2019: A study of objective patterns
over Eastern China Based on A multinomial Logistic Regression Model, Atmosphere, 10:213,
doi: 10.3390/atmos10040213. https://app.dimensions.ai/details/publication/pub.1113634491
8. 孙全德,焦瑞莉,夏江江(corresponding author),严中伟,李昊辰,孙建华,王立志,梁钊明,
9. 门晓磊,焦瑞莉,王鼎, 赵晨光,刘亚昆,夏江江(corresponding author),李昊辰,严中伟,
10. Xia Jiangjiang, Jin Shaofei, Yan Zhongwei, Xiong Zhe, Zheng Ziyan, Han Zuoqiang, 2018: Shifts in timing
of Local Growing Season in China during 1961-2012,Theoretical and Applied Climatology,
11. Yu shuang, Xia Jiangjiang* , Yan Zhongwei, Yang Kun, 2018: Changing spring phenology dates in the
Three-Rivers Headwater Region of Tibetan Plateau during 1960-2013. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,
35 (1), 116-126 doi: 10.1007/s00376-017-6296-y.
12. Li Chunxiang, Tian Qinhua, Yu Rong, Zhou Baiquan, Xia Jiangjiang, Claire Burke, Buwen Dong, Simon F
B Tett, Nicolas Freychet, Fraser Lott and Andrew Ciavarella, 2018: Attribution of extreme precipitation
in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River during May 2016, Environmental Research Letters, 13: 014015
13. Xia Yang, Li Yuan, Guan Dabo, David Mendoza Tinoco, Xia Jiangjiang, Yan Zhongwei, Yang Jun, Liu
Qiyong, Huo Hong, 2018: Assessment of economic impacts of heat waves: A case study of Nanjing, China.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 171: 811-819
14. 田磊, 裴琳,陈宇罡, 夏江江*, 汪翔,2018:1970—2015年蚌埠地区霾日气候资料重建
15. Zhang Anzhi, Jia Gensuo, Howard E. Epstein, Xia Jiangjiang, 2017: ENSO elicits opposing responses of
semi-arid vegetation between Hemispheres, Scientific Reports, 7:42281.
16. Zheng Ziyan, Ma Zhuguo, Li Mingxing, Xia Jiangjiang, 2016: Regional water budgets and hydroclimatic
trend variations in Xinjiang from 1951-2000. Climatic Change, doi: 10.1007/s10584-016-1842-7
17. Pei Lin, Xia Jiangjiang, Yan Zhongwei, Yang Hui, 2016: Assessment of the Pacific decadal oscillation’s
contribution to the occurrence of local rainfall in north China, Climatic Change, 144 (3), 391-403,
doi: 10.1007/s10584-016-1610-8.
18. Xia, Jiangjiang, Tu Kai, Yan Zhongwei, Qi Yajie, 2016: The super-heat wave in eastern China during
July-August 2013: a perspective of climate change. International Journal Climatology, 36 (3), 1291-1298,
doi: 10.1002/joc.4424.
19. Yan Zhongwei, Wang Jun, Xia Jiangjiang, Feng Jinming, 2016: Review of recent studies of the climatic
effects of urbanization in China. Advances in Climate Change Research, 1-15, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.
accre. 2016.09.003【CSCD】
20. Xia, Jiangjiang, Yan Zhongwei, Zhou Wen, et al., 2015: Projection of the Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta's
potential submerged are due to sea level rise during the 21st century based on CMIP5 simulations. Acta
Oceanologica Sinica, 34 (9), 78-84, doi: 10.1007/s13131-015-0700-1.
21. Xia Jiangjiang, Yan Zhongwei, Jia Gensuo, Zeng Heqing, JONES PD, Zhou When, Zhang Anzhi, 2015:
Projections of the Advance in the Start of the Growing Season During the 21st Century Based on CMIP5
Simulations. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 32: 831-838
22. Xia, Jiangjiang, Yan Zhongwei, Xiong Zhe, 2015: Changes in Local Growing season Indices in Shanghai to
Urbanization during 1873-2013. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 8 (6): 383-385, doi:10.3878/AOSL
23. Jin Shaofei, Wang Yongli, Xia Jiangjiang, Xiao Ning, Zhang Junlong, Xiong Zhe, 2015: Delcline in the species
richness contribution of Echinodermata to the macrobenthos in the shelf seas of China. Physics and Chemistry
of the Earth, 87-88: 1-2.
24. 夏江江,杨庆,郑子彦, 赵天保,严中伟,马柱国,2015: 土地利用变化对20世纪中国地区气候
干湿变化的影响. 气候与环境研究,20 (2):154-166,doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9585.2014.14007.
25. Xia Jiangjiang, Yan Zhongwei, 2014: Changes in the local growing season in eastern China during 1909-
2012. Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere (SOLA). 10, 163?166. doi:10.2151/sola.2014-034
26. Yan Zhongwei, Li Zhen, Xia Jiangjiang, 2014: Homogenization of climate series: the basis for assessing
climate changes. Science in China, 57, 2891-2900. doi: 10.1007/s11430-014-4945-x
27. 严中伟、李珍、夏江江 2014:气候序列的均一化 - 定量评估气候变化的基础。中国科学:地球科学,
44 (10): 2101-2111
28. Wang Jun, Yan Zhongwei, Philip Douglas Jones, and Xia Jiangjiang, 2013: On "observation minus
reanalysis" method: A view from multidecadal variability. Journal of Geophysical Research, 118, 1-9,
doi: 10.1002/jgrd.50574.
29. Xia Jiangjiang, Yan Zhongwei, Wu Peili, 2013: Multidecadal variability in local growing season during
1901-2009. Climate Dynamics. 41 (2): 295-305, doi: 10.1007/s00382-012-1438-5
30. Yan Zhongwei, Xia Jiangjiang, Qian Cheng, Zhou Wen, 2011: Changes in Seasonal Cycle and Extremes in
China during the Period 1960-2008. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 28(2), 269-283.
31. Xia Jiangjiang, Yan Zhongwei, Zhou Wen. 2011: Changes in Seasonality in China under Enhanced
Atmospheric CO2 Concentration. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 4(1), 12-17
32. Han Jiarui, Ye Qian, Yan Zhongwei, Jiao Meiyan, Xia Jiangjiang. 2011: Conceptual study on incorporating
user in formation into forecasting systems. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering in China.
5: 533, Doi:10.1007/s11783-010-0246-6
33. 夏江江,严中伟,周家斌,2011:“三伏”的气候学定义和区划。气候与环境研究,16(1),31-38.
34. Yu Shuang, Xia Jiangjiang*, Yan Zhongwei, Zhang Anzhi, Xia Yang, Guan Dabo, Han Jiarui, Wang Jun,
Chen Liang, Liu Yakun, 2019, Loss of work productivity in a warming world: Differences between developed
and developing countries, Journal of Cleaner Production, 208 (1219-1225),